
ThreatMapper is an open-source, cloud-native application protection platform (CNAPP). Scan for vulnerabilities, malware, compliance misconfigurations, exposed secrets and prioritize these critical cloud security alerts by exploitability. ThreatMapper works across all clouds and workload types, VMs, containers, Kubernetes, serverless, and more.

threatmapper video

Map the attack surface of your applications

Rank and prioritize vulnerabilities in ThreatGraph

Prioritize remediations to eliminate risk

Unleash ThreatMapper: Your All-in-One Open-Source Platform for Unrivaled Cloud-Native Security and Observability.

Get Unrivaled Insight into Cloud Topology with ThreatMapper's Unparalled Visibility

Illuminate the unseen with ThreatMapper and its unmatched topological view of your cloud infrastructure. Our cutting-edge technology detects and examines cloud instances, Kubernetes nodes, VMs and serverless resources, unveiling applications and containers while constructing a real-time topological map. Leverage ThreatMapper to uncover and visualize your internal attack surfaces, fortifying your applications and infrastructure against ever-evolving threats.

Comprehensive Security Scanning with ThreatMapper's Intelligent ThreatGraph

Experience ThreatMapper's comprehensive security scanning, intelligently consolidating and correlating alerts across vulnerabilities, exposed secrets, misconfigurations, and malware. Our advanced ThreatGraph prioritizes risk points based on exploitability, enabling you to efficiently focus on critical security concerns. Streamline your security efforts and maintain a robust defense against evolving threats with ThreatMapper.

Achieve Continuous Compliance in the Cloud with Ease

Navigate the complexities of modern compliance effortlessly with ThreatMapper. Our platform simplifies the process of adhering to industry regulations and standards (CIS, PCI, HIPAA, GDPR, NIST, SOC2), providing you with the necessary tools and insights to ensure your organization remains compliant. From identifying gaps in your security posture to offering actionable guidance for improvement, ThreatMapper empowers you to stay ahead of ever-changing requirements and protect your organization from potential penalties and reputational damage.


100% Open Source

Modern applications and microservices rely heavily on shared, open source components. This makes security a community effort. That’s one of the reasons why we make all of ThreatMapper’s features freely available to all under the Apache 2.0 license.

Key Features

Scan Seamlessly from Build to Production

Safeguard your Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline with proactive build artifact scanning

Ensure pre-deployment security by scanning container registries for vulnerabilities

Fortify your production environments with comprehensive host, container, and application vulnerability assessments

Comprehensive Security Scanning & Risk Prioritization

Experience security scanning across vulnerabilities, exposed secrets, misconfigurations, and malware

Leverage ThreatMapper's intelligent ThreatGraph for data-driven risk prioritization

Streamline your security efforts by efficiently focusing on high-impact threats, reducing overall risk, and maintaining a robust defense

Continuous Compliance for Today's Modern Environments

Effortlessly navigate complex compliance requirements with ThreatMapper's comprehensive approach.

Identify gaps in your security posture, receiving actionable guidance for improvement

Stay ahead of ever-changing regulations and protect your organization from penalties and reputational damage

Establish True Security Observability with Context

Gain unparalleled security observability across application, cloud, and network layers with ThreatMapper's eBPF sensors

Obtain deep context and insights to fortify your digital assets and infrastructure against evolving threats

Empower your organization with a holistic understanding of your security posture, enhancing decision-making and risk management

Seamless Integrations & Custom Notifications

Seamlessly integrate with CI/CD pipelines, elevating build failure alerts directly to your development team

Experience tailored production notifications, accommodating multiple apps and teams for optimal collaboration

Enjoy extensive compatibility with popular tools like Slack, PagerDuty, Teams, Jira, Splunk, ElasticSearch, SumoLogic, and more, allowing you to work in the platforms you love

eBPF - Uncompromised Visibility and Protection

Leverage the power of eBPF for unparalleled visibility, delivering precise traffic capture and analysis across your infrastructure

Benefit from eBPF's lightweight, low-impact approach, ensuring optimal performance while providing robust security protection

Utilize eBPF technology to enhance threat detection and response, fortifying your environment against ever-evolving cyber threats


Seamlessly integrates with…

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Deepfence ThreatMapper is 100% open source and available on GitHub

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Looking for real-time threat detection & response?

Take your security to new heights with ThreatStryker, our premium enterprise CNAPP. Designed to meet the demands of today's complex business environments, ThreatStryker offers real-time cloud detection and response capabilities allowing you to neutralize threats to your environment in real-time. In addition, unlock advanced features, receive dedicated support, and benefit from tailored solutions that address your unique security needs. Invest in ThreatStryker and fortify your organization's defenses with confidence and precision.

Ready to use ThreatStryker?